It has been a super busy week! Not just because it's Fair week here, which also means every school in the county is on spring break, which means more time to spend with my parents (who are teachers) and my siblings (who are students). It's been a great week so far.
Saturday we ended up going back to the mine and we climbed to the top of a mountain! (I'll put up some photos later!) We went inside the mine a little further, it was SOOO dark! I didn't like the fact that I couldn't see my feet so I got out of there a little sooner.
Sunday we went to Ronnie's family's church in the morning and had a great potluck lunch, then I spent the afternoon relaxing with my mom, and in the evening we all went to a birthday party for Ronnie's mom.
Monday was probably my favorite day this week! I learned how to bake bread and cinnamon rolls! It's a top secret family recipe on from my mother-in-law's family, she taught me what HER grandmother taught her. It is really special that I get to be a part of that tradition, and that I have the relationship I do with Ronnie's family, you hear so many "horror stories" about in-laws!
Tuesday we went to the Fair! I took a few chances and went on some rides I never went on before, since I don't know how much I should trust rides that are trucked in and pieced together by drunken carnies (true story! we saw a TON of beer cans under some of the rides!) BUT I didn't die, and we are going back tomorrow!
Today (Wednesday) My parents painted their bedroom, I baked birthday cakes for my Grampa's birthday tomorrow (he and my Gramma just got into town today!) I washed the paint off of Charlie's paws, broke the faucet on my parents' sink, sprayed water all over the kitchen, painted my toenails (really badly), had a Nerf dart war with my little brother, and ate dinner watching Survivor and drank fruity drinks with my mom!
Thursday (Tomorrow) We will be going to the Fair again, celebrating my Grampa's birthday, and who knows what else!
Friday, WE MOVE INTO OUR HOUSE IN SAN DIEGO!!!! I'm so excited! :]
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