Thursday, June 13, 2013


There is something about standing at the point on the beach where the water meets the sand and letting it wash over your feet that just amazes me. It always has. Looking out it seems like you can see forever, but at the same time it feels as if you could just reach out and touch the spot on the horizon where the sky collides with the water. 


Yesterday we went back to San Diego for the day/night to clean the house, since we have yet another vet appointment on Saturday and I have no idea if I will be back before Ronnie. We took a break from cleaning and went down to the beach for dinner and the sunset. We walked along, and Claira went splashing. She is a little beach bum, it makes me happy that she shares the same love of the ocean that I do. 

I like to stand in the water and look out to the horizon, hoping to see a sail, or something. It makes me feel closer to Ronnie to think that the water rushing over my feet is the same water rushing around the boat.

Today after (getting sunburned) tackling the over grown weeds in the garden plot (another post for another day!) we went and grabbed some lunch at Cotija's in Point Loma, and headed back to the beach. We played and splashed, ate some seaweed (no sand today!) collected shells, took in the smells and the cool air. 

There is something about a sleepy blonde head resting on a shoulder, missed grains of sand on tan skin, watching the sun slowly sink into the water. 


Life is going 150,000 mph, but moments like these slow time. We're back in Arizona now, counting down the days of this underway, and hoping Charlie doesn't need to see the vet anymore after Saturday. 

I miss our home, but we'll be back! 


Saturday, June 8, 2013


I have some quiet time this afternoon  while at my parents' house, my sisters are both at work, my brother is at a birthday party, and my parents are running errands and grabbing dinner before they pick up my brother. Charlie doesn't fit in his crate with "cone of shame" on, so Claira and I left Ronnie's mom and dad's house to come back and be with him. He had a check up today and the graft is taking, and his eye is on it's way to healing, we will see what happens at his next appointment Tuesday! So he is curled up at my feet with his one eyed snuggle monster I bought him as a get well grift (I thought it was a good idea!) and Claira is taking a much needed late afternoon nap. 

I just love her! This next week she will be 18 months old, and I can't believe it! She's such a smart, sweet, silly ball of sunshine. She is our little Ladybug. She continues to surprise me every day and I absolutely am loving every minute of being her mommy! 

She's been walking since she was 10 months old and is talking like crazy now! (We can't always understand what she says, but it doesn't stop her!) Her new word this week is "clock" and she loves anything that looks like a clock, and anything that goes "round and round" like a clock (windmill, fan, pinwheel, thermostat, scale, outdoor thermometer) It's so exciting to see her make connections and learn new things. 

I love that she is so flexible already, when she experiences new people and new places she dives right in, and you would never know it was new to her. It's a good quality to have as a military kid! I've been thinking about that a lot as we are preparing to move again in a few months,  wondering how she will adjust to the things in our house being in a new place, and I have a feeling she will be okay.  

She also realizes now that Daddy is gone a lot, but she loves when he comes home. The other day after Ronnie left on this underway he is on right now she picked up something of his and asked "Momma?" 
"Yes Claira?" 
"What's this?" 
"That is Daddy's computer mouse, he left it here." 
"Yes Claira?" 
"Where Daddy go?" 
"He had to go to work for a long time, we will see him soon okay?" 
And she hasn't really asked for him since! She likes to talk about him when she looks at the pictures I put up on the wall by her play kitchen. We read the "daddy book" he recorded for her, and she calls him on the "key phone" (my car key is the only thing that can call the boat apparently, don't tell anyone!) She used to have really bad nights when he would leave, but she is adjusting to it and knows that I am here for her. 

These past few days we have spent a lot of time in the pool, and she is such a brave little fish. I'm going to teach her what I can and maybe she'll be "swimming" by the end of the summer! 

Speaking of swimming, I need to go check on her, maybe we can get a swim in before dinner tonight! :]


Friday, June 7, 2013


I didn't think I would have SO MUCH to do! I'd planned on writing more, but I haven't been home. 
Over Mother's Day we spent one last weekend as a family in Arizona with our families before Ronnie went underway (again) he's been underway a lot since January. Thankfully, the 3 month "deployment" was cancelled and he was home to make it to not only my graduation, but my senior portfolio review! (My portfolio is one of the main reasons I put my blog on hold last year, but that is for another post!) We all came home to send him off, then Claira, Charlie and I went home for my cousin's high school graduation, and Memorial Day weekend. Sometime over the weekend Charlie was poked in the eye and my poor little dog was not himself. 

Tuesday after Memorial Day I got a call from Ronnie: "Where are you?" 
"I'm at my parents' house still, where are you?" 
"I'm home for 18 hours, how fast can you get home?" 
"I can leave as soon as I get the car packed up!" 
2.5 hours later Claira and I were back in his arms! That was probably the best few hours we have spent together in a long time, but it was also one of the hardest times to say goodbye. He convinced me to pack up and go back to Arizona the next day. And we did. 
On Friday Charlie was STILL not himself so I called the vet clinic my cousin and her husband take their dog to, and they had a last minute appointment on Saturday. Charlie had an ulcer in his cornea, they gave him pain meds and drops and wanted to see him back on Wednesday, he was acting like he felt so much better so I thought it was healing, apparently it wasn't because he had to have emergency surgery on Wednesday! They had to take a tissue graft from his another part of his eye and attach it to the cornea to patch it up. He's not feeling too well now, but he's happy to be back with us after an over night stay at the animal hospital. He goes back in the morning for a recheck, the vet said that there is still a chance that he will lose sight in that eye completely, but we won't know more until he has healed from the surgery. 

I'd planned on being back at home and sleeping in my own (half-empty) bed by now, but we have to stay for vet visits for this little guy! It's okay though, Claira and I are with family, and my grandparents are visiting so we get to spend a few more days with them. 
