Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I need to post more often.

I think I have a solution to this little problem I have...but right now I am SOOOO distracted!

You'd think it was this whole being pregnant thing...
Yes it is very distracting right now...

If I'm not nauseous (that word looks so weird to me right now but I'm going to trust my phone on this one sorry if I spelled that wrong!) I'm hungry...
And if I'm not hungry I'm tired.

I vacuumed the house today and needed a nap by the time I was done!

But that's not why I'm distracted!

I'm distracted because Netflix has every season of ARMY WIVES to "watch instantly"!!!

Not only is it easy to relate to it's awesome to know I've been to the places they show!
It makes me miss Charleston sometimes...but not too much...

It's funny seeing paintings on the walls in the background from the gallery I worked in when we lived there...it's kind of sad that the other night I paused it on one and pointed it out to Ronnie...I didn't tell him that I also knew the name of the painting and the name of the frame it was in.

I wish I would have known this when we lived there but the son of one of the ladies who goes to Ronnie's families church works on the show! It would have been neat to go visit the set and stuff!

I really wish I had an "Army Wives" group of friends!
Maybe one of these days...

The playground that is literally two feet away from our back door is one of the more popular ones in the neighborhood, I'd like to go out there and sit and talk with the other women out there while they watch their kids play but I don't know if that would be awkward or not!
Since my child is currently the size of a blueberry and isn't as old as all the other kids...
Would that be weird for me to go out there???

I have no idea!

But lately I'm fine just hanging out with the Charlie on the couch!
He's been such a good dog lately!
Really patient in the mornings when I tend to eat before I do ANYTHING including take him outside to go potty.
He also follows me everywhere, more than he used to. He gets so worries when I yawn now too not just when I sneeze.
AND if I lay down to take a nap...he does too!

I know he's good with toddler age children and older but I'm really hoping he'll be good with the baby too...as in not thinking it is another dog or a toy!
We will figure that out when the time comes I guess!

Last weekend Ronnie and I went home again!
It's so great being so close now, getting to spend Easter with our families was really special.

I like going home...but I REALLY like our new home in San Diego!

...including my bed which I should be sleeping in right now because I am completely EXHAUSTED...

Maybe I'll start on my awesome blogging more often plan.... tomorrow....

-Kristin W.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Past 10 Days...

Have been EVENTFUL to say the least!

I have good reasons for not posting recently...but I really don't like going THIS long! I've been on here on my phone every day reading about everyone else but didn't post.

Now about these "events"....

First of all one of Ronnie's friend's from Charleston is in San Diego waiting to go to his ship, and while he's waiting he is living in one of our extra bedrooms(YES, I said BEDROOMS...housing gave us a 3 bedroom house for some reason!)
It's been fun! Grady is a nice guy, he's respectful, AND he helps with groceries :]
When he first came to stay I was going to post something, joking about "expanding our family"

But what comes next makes that statement even more funny...

Some of you may know already...


It's a pretty big surprise since we weren't planning on "expanding our family" for another few years! I'm due sometime in December. We're all getting a big Christmas present this year!

Last Friday we went home for the weekend and told our family,
everyone is very excited.

I'm getting a little more excited every day, I guess it's still sinking in, but I'm completely obsessed with this little pea sized person growing inside me!

The only thing I'm not excited about is the fact that Ronnie will most likely not be there when the baby is born, and will probably be missing a lot of the pregnancy, but I know that's a pretty common thing with the Navy, and nothing is ever set in stone so we will see!

Now for the other news! (I know how much could POSSIBLY happen in 10 days?!)

I received a letter Monday saying I have been re-accepted to the college here that I went to before I moved to Charleston!

I start school again in August! I'm so excited!
I'll only get to do about a semester before the baby, but hopefully I can do some online classes in the spring and take summer classes.


Well...I just thought I'd check in and give everyone an update! I'm going to go work more on my blog design...I'm really excited about it and it's almost finished!


Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's official! We moved in FOR REAL this week!
I LOVE being back in San Diego, it's even better having Ronnie here with me this time!

I decided since I haven't posted anything in over a week, I can post TWO tonight!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE our new house!!! I never thought living in housing would be this awesome, we are in a great community with A LOT going on all the time. Tons of families around Not to mention it's in a pretty good location, right in the middle of San Deigo, we are not too far from so many places and it's easy to get around with all the freeways nearby.

My only complaint is the weather...I can't wait for it to be just a little warmer, warm enough for beach weather!

Since we moved in on Tuesday night...or should I say Wednesday morning at like 2 AM (I feel really bad about that, the Husband's truck is pretty loud! He hasn't named "her" yet but my nick name for it is The BEAST!) we have done a lot of moving in! So much that we have more empty boxes than we do full ones!

But our time hasn't been consumed with unpacking either, we have spent some time with our friends from Charleston. It's been really neat to have this time to act like normal people before our lives get crazy again.

Tonight I cooked our first meal in this house :] Grilled salmon and steamed veggies, it was delicious. I'm sitting next to Ronnie right now while he plays xbox and makes fun of my blogging. I don't think he has actually ever read my blog at all, but that is partly my fault since I don't like it when people read anything I write in front of me (which he would, and out loud too!)...maybe I'm just afraid of the reaction I'll get?

We are enjoying the last few days of leave before Ronnie has to report to his sub, and the next part of our adventure unfolds. I'm kind of nervous about it, not nearly as nervous as he is though. I'm thankful we have had this past year together, I'm glad I made the decision to move out to Charleston. I was thinking the other day if I had stayed here in San Diego and finished out my degree, our life would be completely different than it is now.

It's weird to step back and look at days like the days we've had so far in this house and know that someday soon it's just going to be the Charlie and I curled up on the couch in the evenings, while the Husband is miles and miles and miles away under the ocean in a location he can't even know.

This is our reality in just a few more days. Everyone keeps asking "Do you know when he leaves yet?"

I hope not too, too soon, but I know it's gonna happen, and I'm told it's gonna happen A LOT since it's part of the job of a Nuke on a fast attack submarine in the United States Navy.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award?!?!

Wow! A lot has happened this week, I wasn't expecting it but Sara Mac from Anchors & Sails awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award! Seven facts about myself and then award other blogs! Here it goes....

1. I'm glad our new house has TONS of windows and skylights because I LOVE natural sunlight and definitely prefer it over electricity.

2. I learned how to swim when I was really young, so young I can't even remember when I learned. My whole life it has been as natural as walking for me. 

3. I was a lifeguard and swimming lessons instructor for 7 years, and I swam competitively for 10 years.

4. I have attended 4 colleges in 4 years, I should be graduating this May like all of my friends, but I still have a couple years to go.

5. I LOVE THE BEACH!!!! When I was little my parents planned a surprise trip to Disneyland but told me we were going to the beach to throw me off and I was SO excited for it. When we pulled up at The Happiest Place on Earth, I cried because it wasn't the beach, but I still enjoyed the trip. :]

6. My entire life I have said I wanted to be an art teacher, when I started college that all changed. This fall I am changing my major to Art Education!

7. I like shooting guns. I never thought I would, but the Husband got me into it...it's actually a lot of fun!

Now for my blogger choices!